As an international specialist in energy-efficient indoor climate solutions, sustainability means that we make efficient use of resources along the entire value chain, reduce emissions and offer our customers environmentally friendly products for achieving the best indoor climate.
At the same time, we take an all-encompassing view of the term climate and sustainability. Creating a good climate inside buildings while taking into account the impact it has on the outdoor climate is part of this. The other equally essential part for us involves promoting a good working environment for and among our employees and playing our part in establishing a responsible social climate. It is important to us to be a sustainably attractive employer as well as a sustainably responsible corporate citizen.
In relation to the production of radiators, we are planning to gradually further reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions and substitute them in the long term. In the area of ventilation, we are taking a circular economy approach in order to break the link between growth and consumption of resources. The focus here is on the use of recyclable materials, which we use in an efficient and climate-friendly manner to the greatest possible extent in order to reduce waste and cut the use of fossil resources.
Our task is to set clear goals associated with our activities, make them quantifiable and link them to specific measures. We want to concretise this approach little by little. The starting point in this regard is our 2022 Sustainability Report, which we produced based on the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards.
In the next step, we want to set science-based targets for reducing emissions. These provide a clearly defined path towards reducing emissions in line with the goals set out in the Paris Agreement. This is about systematically reducing our carbon footprint in order to gradually get closer to the goal of climate neutrality.
Sustainability is an important aspect of our corporate strategy. The fact that responsibility for setting and achieving sustainability goals lies with the management and board of directors underlines the extent to which we prioritise this topic.
Furthermore, we are convinced that the best results are achieved as part of a team and the biggest impact is made when customers, suppliers and other stakeholders work together. That is why we are pleased to remain engaged in dialogue with our stakeholders and invite everyone to join us on our journey towards a healthy climate and greater sustainability.
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